
Parking and prices
Kvartal shopping centre
It is most convenient for hotel guests to use the P2 floor of the Kvartal shopping center parking lot. Entrance to the parking area from Turu and Soola streets. The parking area is automatically operated and open for 24 h.
24-hour parking fee in the Kvartali shopping center is 25€.
Mon-Sun free parking for 1 hour
First starter hour 1.50 euro
Every next starter hour 2 euro
25 euros for 24 hours
*Fine for lost parking ticket is 25 euros.
You can pay both in cash and with a bank card, using the payment machines in the middle of the parking lot.
Kvartal parking can fit cars with a height of up to 2 m.
On the floor P2 (on the hotel side) there is an Enefit Volt charging station for electric cars. There are two 50 kW quick chargers that are suitable for electric cars with both European and Japanese charging standards.